On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 6:36 PM, Philip Olson<phi...@roshambo.org> wrote:

Hello Philip,

> You've done plenty of good work, so please apply for a CVS account so that
> you may start committing yourself.

I have filled in the CVS account request form (as you may have noticed).

> One note, please use <methodname> more. So:
> Good: <methodname>RecursiveArrayIterator::getChildren</methodname>
> Bad: <link
> linkend="recursivearrayiterator.getchildren">RecursiveArrayIterator::getChildren</link>
> The build system will take care of the links. The same applies for
> <classname> and many others.

I didn't know this, but I will start using these tags instead of plain links.


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