Hello Christophe,

On 4/16/19, Christophe Gragnic <christophegrag...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> However I am looking for something only based in PicoLisp.
> Indeed MicroAlg is not what you are looking for.
> But let me make some suggestions:
> 1) Don't underestimate the (natural) language barrier.
> Many of my students were glad the language was in French.
> But your students may be good enough at reading/writing English.

It should not indeed be tough to learn a bit of French for the sheer
fun of seeing your website. :)

> 2) Don't understimate the power of syntax highlighting
> (rainbow parens, delimiters and delimited sections, and keywords).
> You'll be happy to be able to debug a program in 10ms.
> 3) Don't underestimate the fun that kids can have in a playground.
> You want you students to work with a practical language, with real
> applications.
> This is very nice but may not be really needed at first.
> Toy programs with text display, with a turtle, with shapes to draw…
> could be enough.
> 4) Deployment is important too. Try to make it easy.
> Thank to Jon Kleiser I was able to make the snippets run in the
> browser too, which was a bliss.
> Have fun!

I am considering and exploring Emacs Lisp for kids. Let's see.

Warm Regards,
Nehal Singhal

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