Dear Mr Alexander,

Thanks for appreciating our efforts. This was all unplanned and
spontaneous. Infact we started to approach Lisp syntax with addition of
numbers from 1 to 100. So all kids were focused on numbers. Syntax was just
natural. The best thing was they enjoyed. And there was no fear of
programming. At the end of the session they were told that it was Lisp and
they can use Emacs Scratch Buffer for complex problems (they're already
using Org mode for drafting journals to send us mails).

Your response was forwarded to parents of these children. It was highly
encouraging for them, seeing it coming from the creator of PicoLisp

We'll keep the PicoLisp mailing list updated about further activities.



On Sat, Apr 27, 2019, 13:19 Alexander Burger < wrote:

> Dear Nehal,
> wow, thats impressing!
> > We have begun Lisp sessions here with kids. Many other kids joined.
> Without
> > explicitly telling about symbolic expressions they learned to traverse,
> > understand, solve lisp as mathematical puzzles.
> >
> > The session was taken by my mentor and co-worker, Alabhya Singh, Alumnus
> > IIT Kharagpur. Session is in Hindi but explanation on board can be easily
> > understood.
> These kids are amazing. I don't understand the words, but at one point I
> believe
> I even heard one kid speculating about infinity (well, not completely
> correct as
> (/ 10 10) would rather be 1 ;) ... at that age!
> Thanks for sharing this!!
> ☺/ A!ex
> --

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