----- Original Message -----
From: "CJ Rumpolo" <rump...@yahoo.com>

> No I fully understand it would be unfair (if not illegal) to use someone
> elses ideas without consent. I really have no plans on stealing another
> person's hard work and design. I tend to look at things I like, then try
> make them myself. Call it a test of my thinking skills. My current design
> from another person's website but have run into a snag of film transport.
>  Today I pretty much considered on giving up the whole project and just
> with the camera I have.


Don't feel bad, do not give up in your project, firstly: you are trying to
make a camera for yourself, not to massively produce it, secondly: there
aren't too many manual ways you can turn the film cartridges inside a
camera, 120 roll like cameras have been manufactured since the end of 19th
century (I think) and those patents are now expired.  If you take a look to
early 20th century rolls film cameras winding mechanism you will find
similarities with current 120 cameras mechanisms.

> I figure if I am using a 4x5 camera and I make a
> mask to give me two images of 2 x 5 on one sheet of film then I can
> the negative to pretty much panoramic scale.

That's a good way to make panoramics, you just need a dark slide cut like
this: http://www.benderphoto.com/2x5pa.htm

> The only thing I was thinking
> about was the curved film plane. I am guessing lenses use their curvature
> correct for this and pinholes need the curved film plane to make the image
> appear as seen.

Regular photo lenses don't use their curvature to correct what you think.
Curved film plane pinhole cameras help you lower the light fall off.

>     I tried to email Kurt from his site, hoping to purchase a camera,
>    Other plans I had were to purchase an old view camera and convert it to
> a really expensive pinhole camera.

If I remember correctly, Kurt's camera was priced at around $1000 and worth
every penny, do the math, you could buy several old view cameras with the
price of one of Kurt's camera.  So don't think that buying a old view camera
and using it as pinhole camera is a bad or expensive idea.

> Then again I should use Mr. Au's camera more often as well. Its really a
> nicely made device, though I think its focal length is a bit too wide to
> style of photography.

Then an old view camera may be good for you, perhaps a press camera or if I
you have the money, get a 4x5 Shen-Hao http://www.shen-hao.com  it sells for
$625 at http://www.badgergraphic.com/search_product2.asp?x=2594  (a steal at
that price) and if later you want to do glass lens 4x5 you just get the


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