On Sunday, October 27, 2002, at 06:43  PM, Steve Bell wrote:

Hmm, well let's see.

i originally began with the idea of places where people go to reclaim the
past. for example, diners. i go to diners all the time, and a friend of
mine started talking to me about the idea of authentic space. like, in the 50's diners were kind of this ideal for the future. all stream lined and chrome and neon. now diners are this ideal of the past. this space where people feel like they are part of something authentic. we also talked about
how yuppie artist types get apartments in more urban areas, and nouveau
bourgoise people buy industrial type buildings and turn them into living spaces so they can feel more conntected to the working class that they've left behind. this is all architectural theory that she had been reading.

it got me very interested. so i've been shooting authentic space. i started off just doing diners and thrift stores, but i've now started relying more on my instincts, shooting whatever feels like authentic space, rather than
defining it by these specific criteria.

I find this very interesting Steve - the idea of how the perspective of a place changes over time. What places, or types of places have your instincts taken you to (if you don't mind my asking)?

And thank you Rosanne, for asking about the meaning of "authentic" places. I just assumed I had simply missed out on something else.

- Gregg

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