Lisa - I agree with Eric.  The IFPDA site has a lot of good info on
numbering.  Like Eric I am basically a printmaker but I use the same
system in photography.  I see no reason to do otherwise.  Most
photographers do not number their prints.  I do and after the edition is
printed, I pull one extra which I call the cancellation print, deface
the negative then glue the negative to the print.  (Funny thing but this
the best seller of the lot.)  Having been trained as a printmaker and
taught to number, it is a hard habit to break just because I am now
taking photographs.  I figure that when the edition is done, it is done.
Load the camera and move on.

To edition or not to edition is the question.  I prefer that if you are
going to produce fine art prints they should be editioned but do not
really get bent out of shape one way or another.   In our gallery we
have both systems with the majority of photographers not editioning
their work and that is fine. It is a personal preference pure and
simple. In printmaking however, it is more of a tradition to number
editions if the print is an original hand pulled print.

The IFPDA nor any other site I know about discusses pricing.  You will
find that mostly on forums like this one and since this is dedicated to
photography I am sure you can get a lot of sound advice.  I too would be
interested in hearing other views on this subject.

> Lisa Reddig writes:
> > Does anyone know anywhere online I can learn about the rules of
> > and pricing prints?
> A good overview of how it works in printmaking is at
> in the last section called Numbering and Other Inscriptions.  i would
> curious to read a discussion of how this differs from what's more
> commonly done in photography, as my bias is as a printmaker.
> --Eric
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