----- Original Message -----
From: "Guy Glorieux" <guy.glori...@sympatico.ca>

> > http://members.home.com/penate/cameras/6x6.jpg
> >
> Nice piece, Guillermo.  How does 36mm on 6x6 compare with 35mm format
> Would it be around 20mm?

That is correct.  (18.35mm to be more exact).

> I like the way you've managed to keep the shutter and cable release.
> I think I'm going to search for an Agfa on eBay... -:))

I am now looking for a 6x9!  Don't outbid me pls!!  :-)

> On vignetting, I myself have come to build vignetting as a pictorial
> of my images.

Although I have not been able to get real vignetting in any of my cameras,
even with the 14mm (35mm format) I don't get too much (I guess my pinhole
are just too good! ;-), I really like the effect in some circumstances. But,
IMO there is a difference between mechanical vignetting and optical one.
The kind of vignetting I am talking about on this camera was the mechanical
one, sort of like when the filter ring gets in your picture when using wide
angle lenses.


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