My standard, sincere, reply to questions about '"will it work?" is "try it'. 
Pinhole is not primarily about sharp anyway, depth of field issues aside. You 
may especially like soft, glowing color pinhole images. 

. ----- Original Message ----- 
  To: pinhole-discussion@p at ??????? 
  Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2001 10:49 PM
  Subject: [pinhole-discussion] questions & comments


  Excuse me if I already asked this - if I did, I forgot the replies already 
  (but I don't think I did). 

  Oh, firstly, apologies for the html forwarding garbage characters...I don't 
  think AOL software lets one too picky about how they do things. 

  I am a little confused, perhaps only by my expectations. I have picked up on 
  the concept that pinhole gives phenomenal (am I overenthusiastic?) 
  depth-of-field due to the typically large f-stops attained by usual camera 

  BUT, people are telling me I will probably be disappointed by anything 
  larger than 5 x 7 or so from my 35 mm pinhole negatives because they say 
  pinhole images are "not very sharp". 

  Is this just anecdotal advice from people who simply poked a hole without 
  consideration of all the things that play a role....(that wasn't supposed to 
  rhyme, it was an accident)? (Optimal hole diameter/focal length, thickness 
  and roundness of pinhole material and resultant hole, etc.) 

  We have a few of those color xerography transfers from a local 
  photographer...I'm sure technique, patience and materials play a role...she 
  hasn't been happy with all color copy machine or their operators 
  (copy-jockies?)...some are interesting, some 
  are 'lame'. 

  She won't tell us what solvents she uses. 

  Maybe I could try that with my first pinhole roll which is color...what 
  chance do I have of lucking out and getting accurate color as a pinhole 
  beginner anyway, so why not experiment? 

  Murray (local ISP and 'normal' e-mail address still suffering technical 
  difficulties - I feel sorry for them - down a week, so you know they're 
  catching grief!) 




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