I've been following this list since before Kevin bailed and I feel sorry for
Drew having to pick up the load of lead in this project. I've got a
suggestion about the CVS situation that might just get things moving faster.
If there were 3 CVS code archives and 1 CVS patch archive, then everyone
should be able to work without fear of destroying something vital or worse
yet, suffering a severe rollback on rejected work. Here's the idea:

The patch archive is just that, an archive of patches that have not as of
yet been accepted into the main CVS tree. Once a patch is accepted, it
should be removed from this archive.

The 1st CVS archive is the master archive which only Drew and selected core
developers have write access to. This will be the actual archive that the
final distribution version of plex86 should come from.

The 2nd CVS archive should be for the developers not part of the core group
with access to archive 1 who are none-the-less serious about advancing the
progress of plex86. They should commit their changes to this archive They
should also submit patches to the patch archive. Allowing users in this
group to acquire CVS1 access will be up to the project leader.

The 3rd CVS archive should be world writeable. This way anyone who wants to
jump in and contribute can and do so in a way that others will have access
to. They should also submit patches to the patch archive. Those producing
consistent high quality work should be given access to CVS2.

Users with access to CVS2 will be responsible for reviewing the work done in
Users with access to CVS1 will be responsible for reviewing the work done in
Periodically (monthly, maybe) CVS2 & CVS3 should be synced to match the
contents of CVS1

Theoretically, CVS3 will produce the most work, but not necessarily the best
CVS2 will produce much stable work, sometimes based on the ideas presented
by CVS3.
CVS1 will produce some work and use those ideas presented by CVS2 that are
consistant with the present direction of the project.

...but that's just my idea.

R. King

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