Alan W. Irwin writes:
 > On 2010-05-01 21:26-0500 Geoffrey Furnish wrote:
 > > What is the simplest statement of the commumdrum?
 > If you apply the following patch
 >  [...]
 > in accordance with Hez's arguments above, then plshade and plshades quit
 > working (blank results or one giant triangle result) under certain (but not
 > all) circumstances for the Python and Tcl examples.  What has us both
 > puzzled is why does this minor (and probably well-justified) change matter
 > for Tcl and Python but no other bindings?  If we can figure out those
 > special circumstance and eliminate them, then we can go ahead with the above
 > cleanup which also benefits Hez's new transformation work.

Okay.  I'll try to peer into this and see if I can remember why we set it up
that way when we wrote the Tcl binding eons ago.

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