On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 10:57:22AM -0700, Alan Irwin wrote:
> On 2010-09-29 11:26-0400 Hezekiah M. Carty wrote:
>> I'll try to get pllegend wrapped for OCaml before the 5.9.7
>> release, and I will wait on any plarc alterations until after the
>> release.
> Of course, there is some urgency to the OCaml pllegend wrapper as well
> as the Octave pllegend wrapper (which I hope Andrew will implement)
> just in case comparisons between pllegend and the current legend
> functionality in OCaml and/or Octave indicate the pllegend API should
> be changed before the release.  However, since these comparisons can
> be done by you (and hopefully Andrew) locally I suggest you wait to
> commit these wrappers until after the release.
> The reason I bring this up is I am doing some comprehensive testing
> today (and will urge others to use that same script on as many
> platforms as possible once I am satisfied with it) in preparation for
> the release, but the value of such comprehensive testing is reduced if
> untested changes are subsequently committed to svn trunk before the
> release. Thus, I suggest it would be a good idea to reserve svn
> commits for bug fixes and _validated_ documentation changes this close
> to release.  Note, this is a reminder and not a demand because we have
> done very well previously with a rather informal release procedure
> where our developers have exercised extremely good judgement about
> what kind of trunk commits they make in the last several days before
> any of our releases.


Sorry - I won't get chance to do a detailed comparison with the octave
legend support before the weekend release. To be honest the legend 
support is relatively basic. Certainly for the x11 driver it doesn't 
work too well. I think your interface is more comprehensive in terms of

I will look at switching the support at some stage to use the new


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