On 2018-12-25 23:06-0000 António Rodrigues Tomé wrote:

Hi Alain
sorry I haven carefully read up to the end all the README.developers file
here the patch

Hi António:

Thanks for those commits.  My apologies in advance for the number of questions
I have for you in this reply, but I would appreciate you answering all of them
to help improve my overall knowledge concerning the Qt-related components
of PLplot and also to improve the commit messages associated with your
two commits.

One issue I immediately noticed with your commits is both have only a
one-line commit message, and those should be expanded with a following
paragraph with details and two further Tested by: paragraphs.  I can
do the necessary editing of your commit messages here to make those
changes, but in order to do that I will need additional information
from you as detailed below for your two different commits.

I.  0001-correction-in-QtRasterDevice-QtRasterDevice-to-fix-a.patch

Your current summary line,

"correction in QtRasterDevice::QtRasterDevice to fix a alpha problem in the raster 
qt Drivers"

is too repetitive and also too vague.  Here are two alternative suggestions:

"Fix background transparency in the raster qt Drivers"


"Fix transparency in the raster qt Drivers"

Let me know which of these you prefer.  (Note I do plan to mention
QtRasterDevice::QtRasterDevice in the explanatory paragraph which is
why I dropped that phrase from the summary line.)

The reason I used the "background" qualifier for the first alternative
is I can find no problem with the non-background transparency in these
devices.  For example, without your fix I attach test_qt.png.1 (the
first page of the example) generated with

examples/c/x30c -dev pngqt -o test_qt.png -fam

where that result clearly shows the effects of transparency for the
various semi-transparent blocks displayed by that example and also
agrees with the first page displayed at
<http://plplot.org/examples.php?demo=30> which was generated with -dev

However, if your result there (without your fix) on openSUSE is not
the same, then this may be another case of openSUSE exposing bugs in
the PLplot qt device driver better than Debian (i.e., Debian Qt fixups
and workarounds may be more extensive than those from openSUSE).

The reason I am asking about this in detail is one of your changes
involved moving from QImage::Format_RGB32 ==> QImage::Format_ARGB32.
From the description at
<http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qimage.html#Format-enum> it appears that is
absolutely the right thing to do (unless you decide later to move to
QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied for efficiency reasons, but that
is obviously a separate issue).  But from that description it seems
our unfixed RGB32 format should not be able to produce the
semitransparent results we see in the attached plot. But maybe Debian
(and openSUSE?) works around that by automatically switching from
RGB32 to ARGB32 if alpha information is provided?

Your response to these questions and comments will help determine
whether I drop "background" from the summary line and greatly
improve the explanatory paragraph I need to write.

Also, can you explain why you had to add


?  Does that mean in the unfixed version there was no background fill
at all for these devices so Qt was falling back to some opaque

I haven't tested this commit yet, but once I do that
I plan to add the following "Tested by" paragraph.

Tested by: Alan W. Irwin <air...@users.sourceforge.net> on Linux
(Debian Testing) <followed by details of the tests I ran>.

Could you give me those test details for yourself that I
could add to a paragraph started by

Tested by: António Rodrigues Tomé <antoniort...@users.sourceforge.net> on Linux
(openSUSE version number?) <followed by the test details you supply>

II.  0002-correction-in-initQtApp-to-allow-qt-drivers-to-be-ca.patch

Do you agree with shortening your summary line

"correction in initQtApp to allow qt drivers to be called from a qt program"


Allow qt devices to be called from a qt program

with initQtApp mentioned in the explanatory paragraph?

That paragraph does not have to be too long, but can you explain to
me why you need to increment appCounter one additional time?
Is the problem that the devices are decrementing that somehow
when your application is finished with them?  If so, wouldn't a
better solution be to specifically increment appCounter in
each of the qt devices?

The reason I am concerned about these appCounter details is I am
pretty sure your current fix will add a memory leak for non-device Qt
applications such as examples/c++/qt_example.cpp.  That example
already has a memory leak due to

PlotWindow   * win = new PlotWindow( Argc, Argv );

with no corresponding xwin delete, but when I attempted to fix that
recently by deleting win that did not work because some other
destructor currently destroys part of it (as far as I can tell from my
limited Qt/C++ knowledge).  Anyhow, I do not want to make the already
bad situation for that example (which makes it sometimes segfault on
exit) worse due to your appCounter fix.

If as a result of my questions about appCounter above you decide to
rework this commit, then when you do that please add an explanatory
and "Tested by" paragraph to your commit message for your revised
commit.  But if you think your appCounter change in its present form
does not introduce memory leaks for the no-device case (i.e., the
present code changes for this commit are fine), then I will need
information from you on how you tested your change to be added to a
"Tested by:" paragraph for you.  In either case I will also add one of
those paragraphs for my own tests of this commit before pushing this
commit or its revised version from you.

Alan W. Irwin

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state
implementation for stellar interiors (freeeos.sf.net); the Time
Ephemerides project (timeephem.sf.net); PLplot scientific plotting
software package (plplot.sf.net); the libLASi project
(unifont.org/lasi); the Loads of Linux Links project (loll.sf.net);
and the Linux Brochure Project (lbproject.sf.net).

Linux-powered Science

Attachment: test_qt.png.1
Description: example showing good transparency for unfixed pngqt device

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