On Wed, 5 Nov 2014, King Beowulf wrote:

> 1. Got to about:config and look for "browser.download.panel.shown" and
> set to "true" to see the d/l arrow.


   Thank you. My search terms in about:config were not suffient to find the
above. Probably because of lack of experience using it to change options.
Thank you.

> 2. Classic Theme restorer works wonders! Install it then #3 below will
> work.

   Yes, it does a nice job.

> 3. To set the buttons to text only (or icons + text, click on the new
> "triple horizontal line" icon in the upper right corner, click on "+
> Customize" button, then in lower left you will see options to change
> button text. required: #2 above

   Wow! Could they have made it more obscure and difficlut to find? Didn't
look on the menu button more than once, superficially.

   What is frustrating when trying to solve issues like this is that web
searches turn up all sorts of results for ancient firefox versions and
little on the latest version. Guess not too many users of the latest and
greatest want to change the UI presented to them.

Much grasses,

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