On 11/05/2014 08:46 AM, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Wed, 5 Nov 2014, James Bertelson wrote:
>> FWIW, I'm running the beta version (34.0) with the aforementioned classic
>> theme and still have the downloads window (ctrl+j). Your install sounds
>> wonky -- maybe blow away the profile and start fresh, or grab the latest
>> stable from Mozilla's site rather than your repos?
> James,
>     Next download I'll try ctrl-j. That window used to display automatically,
> but if I can manually invoke it I'll do that.
> Thanks,
> Rich

I'm running FF 32.0.x on Linux Mint 17.  The downloads "window?" seems 
to auto hide.  Can't remember if that happens because of a configuration 
decision I made but to get a listing of current/ongoing downloads I 
click on a little (but fat-ish) down arrow -- upper right side of the 
tool bar.

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