1) with progressbar selected for top right, and icons set for top
right, show always, the bar and icons overlap

This was a caching issue. Once the button's state change and the bitmap is re-calculated the display should be fine.

2) with a side vis, the progressbar ends the column before the icons.
It might be nice to have even one pixel separation if possible.

Done. I added even two pixels. It's looking better now.

actually, turning the icons off then back on seems to avoid problem 1,
but then for the wide case 2 still applies.

Hitting one of the shuffle/repeat buttons would also have done the trick. It was a caching issue: I'm now checking the displayWidth as well.

For the icons selection pulldown, something like "no" or "do not show"
might be more clear than a blank

This was easy enough :-).

Thanks for all the feedback! The latest version 2.01 is available from my site.



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