Interesting. I didn't know I could get On Demand through BBCiPlayer.
I've always used Extras for that.

Anyway, I just tried BBCiPlayer as follows: BBCiPlayer>BBC Radio
2>Saturday>08:05 Sounds Of The 60s, and that does play the show. So at
least I know I can use that successfully.

I was trying (the route I've always used) BBCiPlayerExtras>Radio 2 A-Z>S
programs>Sounds Of The 60s>Sounds of the 60s 19/11/16, and that still
gives "Playlist Empty".

My current settings are:

On Demand: DASH/HLS/MP3/FlashAAC

BBCiPlayer Extras
Select if you do not want DASH streams: unchecked

bpa wrote: 
> Probably because I showed 1.5.* - I don't have 1.4.* online.
> Unlikely to be coincidence.
> Please be more exact about settings and how you play programs. Give
> details of problem settings and how you tried to play the program.
> R2 19th Nov can be played via BBciPlayer Extra or via BBCiPlayer.  
> For example, If it is via VBBCiPlayerExtra then it can be access through
> at least 3 menus each of which have a differernt source and so could
> each have a different problem.  The BBCiPlayerExtra uses unofficial
> fields from BBC Browser based player which only support DASH and Flash
> AAC - so if your BBCiPlayer OnDemand does not have FlashAAC or DASH -
> you will get nothing. Also if you have checked the BBCiPlayerExtra box
> to exclude DASH and you do not have FlashAAC - then no program will be
> played.
> So when you modify the settings without understanding what is implied -
> it is very easy to make it impossible for BBCiPlayer to play a program.

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