The above change does work - as in the default image can be overridden
by a skin. Looking at the code, I see you copy this to the user-defind
artist image folder as "artist.png" - why is this? Must admit, I didn't
have this folder defined so the change appeared to work. Why does the
code not just return "$defaultArtistImg" when there is no image? And
copy "$defaultArtistImg" when -Store placeholder file ("artist.missing")
if artist pictures are to be downloaded, but cannot be found.- is set?

Copying the file is older than the .missing thing. I did that as a hint for users what file to replace if they wanted to customize.

I've pushed an update dot MAI which should fix this behaviour. I used a PNG version of your artist icon put as artists.png in Material's images folder, and that seemed to work.

EXCEPT that caches would need to be wiped first... Otherwise both LMS and browsers would return the cached, but outdated copy.


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