mherger wrote: 
> > The reason I don't show it as a popup is that the "More" action can
> > produce items of various types - not all are actions. e.g. Apps /
> Radio
> > Paradise / Main Mix / Main Mix - ??? / More - those items being in a
> > popup menu is just odd.
> But the "More" action items were designed to be exactly this: context 
> menus. They show up as popups on the hardware players. If a plugin 
> author decides to put stuff in there that you consider odd, then that's
> the plugin author's mistake, not yours. Tell him.

Well, Radio Paradise is *your* plugin :-)

mherger wrote: 
> If you wanted to insist, you could use a different approach: show all 
> "More" items as popups, except for those you really find wrong. This way
> the users of plugins unknown to you wouldn't be irritated, and you'd 
> still be in control of what you care about.

What I -might- do, is for an item where 'More' is the *only* menu option
(such as these Spotify history items), is show the three dotted menu -
but when pressed show the contents of 'More' For items where there is a
play, add to fav, etc, and a 'More' then I will continue as is.

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