There indeed are requests which would return information about the
artist, but not the artist picture. In this case you'd see the generic
icon until more data of the artist has been loaded using some other API

The question is can we change that?

Well, I could do another API call to get the artwork information. But TBH I wanted to save the hassle...

The list of "Similar Artists" is displayed.
Hopefully it is more than one page.
Every artist picture is displayed except Qobuz itself has no picture of
this artist.
Even if the artist was not yet in the cache.

As I said: some calls do return the information, some don't. In this case we have the artwork.

Obviously there must be a difference between "Album Tracklist" and the
list "Similar Artists".

Yep. One would return artwork info, the other not. The problem is I can't easily say "check cache or look online", because the latter would trigger an async call.

But I can certainly double-check. When I find time. It's incredible how little spare time there is when you have to spend all your time at home...


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