mrw wrote: 
> From, probably faulty, memory, I think there are the options of loading
> up metadata with "title", "artist", and "album".
> On the 'Radio' display "title" is shown on the top line, with "artist"
> and "album" concatenated onto the second line. The 'Touch' style player
> has "title" at the top, with "artist" and "album" displayed below.
> Possibly loading up "album" with the programme name  might yield what is
> wanted, at least when the current track and performer are available.
> Needs some stepping through, and comparison with what might be displayed
> when track & performer aren't there.

The above approach has been done in the past, it is also further
complicated when program are skipped back.  

Deciding right balance and then testing all the possible use cases just
takes time - I think an LMS change a while back about playlist URL may
now affect one corner case.

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