
It's hard to believe (for me) that my use of several Squeezebox Touch
(SBTs) date back only to 2010. It's seems twice that long! It was
disappointing when Logitech discontinued further development of the
product line, but my units have provided years of great service and
tens-of-thousands of hours of listening pleasure. Thank you Ralph
Irving, Michael Herger, and others.

Question: What specific added (asked for?) features for Touch users, in
any, are provided in this recently-released "Community Firmware" update?

I noticed that Ralph was also involved in the development of the
DSDPlayer plugin. Further, I understand decoding of MQA files can be
both hardware and software based, assuming licensing of course. Is an
MQAPlayer plugin out of the question?

*Music Sources*: TIDAL & Spotify > *LMS 8.0.1* > Three SBTs controlled
using iPeng 9.7.4 app on iOS devices.
*Great Room*: SB Touch(1) > AudioQuest TOS > PS    Audio  DL3 DAC >
Audio Envy 10' cables > 200w powered Martin   Logan (ML) Purity speakers
*Library:* SB Touch(2) > Wyred mINT >   ML Motion 4 & AudioEngine 5.
*Garage:* SB Touch(3) > CullenCoax > Dayton Audio amp > Cullen Cables >
ML Motion 12 
*Carry Anywhere: *TIDAL > iPhone > Bose Mini BT speaker.
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