When later adding the tracks to current playlist I’m using:

   $request = $client->execute(['playlist', 'addtracks', 'listRef', 

Would it work with a database track object in $filteredItems or would it
require a remote track object if available?
> Just checking to know if the plugin would need the remote track object
> anyway to be able to play the track. If it isn’t needed to play the
> track are there other situations where the database track object isn’t
> enough and a plugin would really need to remote track object ?

$filteredItems can be a list of URLs. No need to send full objects.

Could the plugin just make a call like this to get the database track
object ?

If you really need it (not in above case).

   my $track = Slim::Schema->rs(‘Track’)->single({ 'url' => $url });

Yes! That's pretty exactly what objectForUrl() eventually does (for database objects):



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