jeroen2 wrote: 
> Or a combination between 2 and 3? (player settings under 'manage
> players' and server settings in the settings dialogue).
> From my experience I found that the 'extra settings' (i.e. using the
> 3-dot menu again after clicking 'player settings' or 'server settings')
> are not very intuitive. It seems logical once you know it, but I still
> need to remind myself every time I use it...

'Player settings' is already accessible from 'Manage players' dialog,
'2' is to -also- add it to the 'Information' dialog - this is a change I
will make regardless, as it is consistent - and adds no harm.

The main issue with moving 'Server settings' and 'Player settings' from
the main menu into the 'Settings' dialog is that they then become
semi-hidden. Now, from my PoV, this is not a bad thing - especailly
server settings. But I know someone will complain!

The 'Extra settings' are just that - thay are tweaks above an beyond the
main settings (or at least the settings that Material does not provide a
settings UI for). Previous 'Material' versions had a button at the
bottom of the 'Player settings' dailog to access these. Perhaps I should
revert to that? If so, then 'Player settings' and 'Server settings'
within the 'Settings' dialog also need to be buttons at the bottom, and
not in its menu. Hmm...

[Edit] Also, the 1, 2, 3 were not choices but a set of changes.

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