dunq wrote: 
> I've been trying to export data from Ratings Light using both the backup
> option and the "recently rated playlist" option. In both cases, the
> server log shows, e.g.:
> Exporting from TrackStat does not cause a problem (well, it's writing to
> a file already created), owner being myusername:myusername
> Saving a playlist from the player interface, the created file has
> owner/permissions squeezeboxserver:nogroup 0644
> I don't know enough about ownership/permissions to understand what to
> reliably tweak to make it possible for Ratings Light to write to the
> directory (ownership is myusername:users). Any help appreciated.

I can only test my plugin on macOS and maybe Linux Debian but this is
actually the first I've heard of such behavior.
Since I don't know what OS and LMS/plugin version you're using I can
only guess but permissions seem a likely cause.

If LMS works it always has read/write permissions to the folder you
selected as your LMS playlist folder. Once installed Ratings Light - in
order to avoid clutter - creates a folder in that playlist folder called
-RatingsLight- where it stores everything: backups, exported playlists,
logs... Creating the folder and changing into it requires 755
permissions. Please check if that folder exists (unless you moved it
elsewhere in the RL settings) and if LMS/squeezeboxserver has 755
permissions for that folder. Permissions for files in that folder are
644 as usual. 

Another thing you could do is to *temporarily* set the -debug level- of
the Ratings Light plugin to -debug- (settings > logging). And then try
to create a backup or export something. Just don't forget to set it back
to -warn- or -error- afterwards or your log will grow very large. Then
check the server log for permissions related messages. Good luck.

*Plugin repositories:* 'Ratings Light'
(https://github.com/AF-1/lms-ratingslight) •••• 'Visual Statistics'
(https://github.com/AF-1/lms-visualstatistics) •••• 'Use Comment Tag
Info' (https://github.com/AF-1/lms-usecommenttaginfo) •••• 'Dynamic
Playlists 3 FAQ' (https://github.com/AF-1/lms-dynamicplaylists#faq) ••••
'Custom Skip 3 FAQ' (https://github.com/AF-1/lms-customskip#faq)
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