dunq wrote: 
> What are the criteria for a track being added to the "recently rated"
> playlist? The first creation of the playlist happened fine (i.e. visible
> in the LMS player interface), in that I changed a track's rating and the
> playlist appeared. However, the playlist has not updated since then. So
> I'm wondering:
> * is every rating change in the player interface (add new/changed
> existing) noticed?
> * when should an update to the playlist be triggered?
> * when should the log file be written if "Log changed ratings" is ticked
> in settings?

-Changed- rating means: new/first-time rating, changed rating value,
unrating (0).
In general, every time you change a track's rating *with -Ratings
Light-* (web interface, jivelite, CLI...) the track is added to the
playlist and/or the log file if you've enabled that in the settings.
Both are meant to help you keep track of your rating *actions*, i.e. the
tracks whose rating you've changed. They're not a list all of your rated
Personally I use the log file because it is has more (precise)
information and I don't need another playlist.

The playlist keeps a record of all tracks with -changed- ratings *but*
- it will *not add* a track *twice* (ex.: new rating = 40, then rating =
0 ---> track will only show up *only once* in the -playlist- because the
playlist shows all tracks whose ratings changed)
- and if you *unrate* a track (rating = 0) it will *not* delete this
track from the playlist because unrating is a rating change too.

Playlist and log file work without any problems here. If you want to
keep detailled track of your rating actions I suggest you use the log

*Plugin repositories:* 'Ratings Light'
(https://github.com/AF-1/lms-ratingslight) •••• 'Visual Statistics'
(https://github.com/AF-1/lms-visualstatistics) •••• 'Use Comment Tag
Info' (https://github.com/AF-1/lms-usecommenttaginfo) •••• 'Dynamic
Playlists 3 FAQ' (https://github.com/AF-1/lms-dynamicplaylists#faq) ••••
'Custom Skip 3 FAQ' (https://github.com/AF-1/lms-customskip#faq)
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