bpa;412231 Wrote: 
> Softsqueeze 
> Main bugs fixed
> * Non-MP3 streams not being played or require play/pause/play to
> start.
> * Two files/streams playing simultaneously at start.
> * Some Podcasts (e.g. BBC) not playing 
> * Sounds & Effects loop.

I downloaded and installed via extension downloader and am listening
using softsqueeze as I type this.  I previously have not experienced
any of the above mentioned bugs. So maybe I was lucky.  I will report
back any issues with this new release.

bpa;412231 Wrote: 
> ...nor has anything been done explicitly to improve synchronisation. 

I HAVE to ask!  So if this new release works out the bugs, is
synchronization something you may tackle at some point?  I only ask
because I use Softsqueeze a lot.  And would always sync. it with my
other hardware players.  Previous to 7.3, it worked flawlessly. Always
sync'd perfectly. Now, I dont even bother syncing because its just down
right bad and not even worth it.

Ok, well just a thought.  

Thanks for taking on the development of Softsqueeze!  
Good Luck.


Rotel RSP-1068, Rotel 1060 DVD, Rotel RCC-1055, Rotel 1095 Amp, Rotel
956 Amp, Rotel RLC-1040, M&K VX-860 Sub, Whatmough M30s, Squeezebox 3

Rotel RX-1052, Rotel RCC-1055, Klipsch CF-1s, Audiosource Sub,
Squeezebox 3

Squeezebox "Bedroom" Boom, Controller
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