> Community Softsqueeze (v3.9b1) - Failed to install (file checksum does
> not match)
That message is shown when the install fails. When that happens ED will
not install. It is odd that you have a menu and SoftSqueeze works.  To
make sure you should check the Softsqueeze version (i.e. 3.9b1) on the
Splash screen and also in SoftSqueeze preferences. 

> I HAVE to ask! So if this new release works out the bugs, is
> synchronization something you may tackle at some point? I only ask
> because I use Softsqueeze a lot. And would always sync. it with my
> other hardware players. Previous to 7.3, it worked flawlessly. Always
> synced perfectly. Now, I don't even bother syncing because its just
> down right bad and not even worth it.
I made the comment because someone was going to ask. I very very rarely
use Softsqueeze - I initially did a bug fix to get at another SC bug.
The 3.8 bug fix was a band-aid and didn't properly fix the situation so
I spent some more time and some of the other bug fixes happened e.g.
loop fix was due to a typo, podcast fix was fixed by a library

I tested sync on my systems and Softsqueeze was always in sync - it is
hard to find bugs they cannot be reproduced easily. I personally do not
think with the current Softsqueeze implementation that sync can be made
reliable on all platforms because of the variety of OS, hardware,
drivers, JVM and Java libraries. Furthermore, when doing the fixes I
noticed oddities in audio (e.g. play after pause - audio has a small
gap) but the behaviour changed as I tested various fixes.  The code has
a lot of threads with locking involved which can cause variable delays
and I think some areas of the current implementation may need to be
rewritten.  This would take more time on an application and feature
which has little interest for me and even then there is no guarantee it
will work on all platforms. 

> Assuming this is the same softsqueeze update you posted on the thread:
> "AlienBBC 7.3 Linux no longer transcoding WMA (other work though",
It is *not* the same update.
The  version I posted in that referenced thread and current 3.8
available on Softsqueeze are the same. SoftSqueeze 3.9b1 has a lot more
fixes and uses updated libraries.  The fix for 3.8 was a rough fix and
it broke Softsqueeze in some other playback scenarios. Also users will
still noticing problems with play/pause.  


> It seems like all the mplayer processes should be stopped when the
> stream requiring them is no longer being played. Seems like there might
> be a bug somewhere
This is an mplayer/AlienBBC bug - nothing to do SoftSqueeze or
SqueezeCenter.  Some MPlayer versions do not shutdown properly on some
Linux systems.  It could be an old bug which went away and has come
back on some systems (e.g. it happens on my Suse 10.1 but not on my
Ubuntu 8.10) .  Mplayer.sh used to kill the process when this bug
happened but it no longer seems ot be effective.  It would be best to
start a new thread and provide details such as MPlayer version.

When mplayer is run - it creates a thread to assist buffering input. To
decode a mplayer stream a shell process running mplayer.sh is started. 
This then create Mplayer which in turn starts a thread to read data
from the file/tcp socket which can look like a process.  When socket to
SC is closed on termination - the thread dies and the shell process dies
but the mplayer which is sending output to SC seems to be blocked and so
doesn't die.

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