Thanks for the quick response. 

pippin;442971 Wrote: 
> Ok, so you do see SqueezeCenter and SqueezeNetwork and you can use
> both?
> Now, when the next day you could not see the player, is this only in
> iPeng or do you also not see it if you use SqueezeCenter/SqueezeNetwork
> through the browser? 
> Is iPeng still connecting to the right source? On SqueezeCenter, you
> will know it did if you can still browse your library?
> If it's iPeng not connecting to the right source (automatically) again,
> please try to set "Forget Last Server" in iPeng under "Settings->iPeng
> settings". 
> If all of that doesn't help, please give me some more details about
> your setup: Where do you run your SqueezeCenter, which version, what did
> you do last, is the Receiver's LED blinking, which color does it show? 
> Now here you've got me lost. There' a power button on the bottom left
> of the NowPlaying screen in iPeng. 

No I don't see the player in squeezecenter.

I guess SC has to be running for this to work because iPeng does not
find my receiver unless I start SC playing.

Once I start squeezecenter and play my Pandora station iPeng sees the
player and gives me the player in the top window with the globe, volume,
power button. I can see and squeezenetwork.

I've used the forget setting but it doesn't seem to change anything.
The light was BLUE the next morning.

I am running SC 7.3.3 on Windows XP. I set up the receiver with UDAP
and put in the server address, ip address of the receiver, primary dns,
etc. I did "list" to confirm the settings before I did save_data and
reset. I reserved these addresses in my router setup.

I see the power button in the lower left corner but it does not find
the player to turn on. Once I start SC I have a power button, globe, etc
in the upper half of the window.

Sorry if this isn't very coherent. It seems like I am close to getting
this to work.


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