SqueezeIR - A Generic Infra-Red Remote Control Applet for the Logitech
Squeezebox Duet Controller
Version RC1 (BETA)

After much pulling of hair (I'm almost bald now!) I have finally
completed the first release candidate of my promised remote-control
applet.  I hope it's of some use to you guys!

NB: This is my first attempt at an applet for the SBC so I cannot
guarantee that it won't cause problems but it works for me.

SqueezeIR (pronounced "squeezier") is an applet for the Logitech
Squeezebox Duet Controller (SBC).  It's purpose is to provide a set of
user-customisable menus to send infra-red remote control codes (IR
codes) to auxillary equipment such as amplifiers, CD players etc... 
Each menu can also have any of the SBC's physical keys mapped to send IR
codes instead of, or in addition to, the keys' default behaviour.  Macro
commands are supported as are having different IR codes defined for the
press and hold actions of keys or menu items.  Holding a key can
optionally repeat the IR code or just send it once.

The functionality of the applet is defined within a configuration file
(SqueezeIRData.txt).  My file has been included with the distribution
and includes a selection of device IR codes, examples and help with the

- The Back key cannot be mapped to an IR code (I haven't worked out how
to do it yet!).
- The Scroll-Wheel cannot have its functionality changed (but hold
actions allow for continuous changes).
- Very little (make that no) error checking of SqueezeIRData.txt, so if
your file has the slightest error then the applet won't work.  You have
been warned!
- Only a small set of common IR protocols are supported at the moment
(RC5, RC5ex, RC6M0, NEC, Panasonic (old & new), a type of Denon, and
testir's "raw hex" format as used in some other remote control
- Toggle bits are not toggled.  Doesn't seem to matter with my

- Unzip the zip file.
- Edit SqueezeIRData.txt to suit your devices and preferences.
- Copy the entire SqueezeIR folder to your SBC (See
http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.php/SqueezePlay_Applets and follow the
"Manual Installation" method.)
- Restart your SBC

- Remove the entire SqueezeIR folder from your SBC
- Restart your SBC

Select "Squeeze IR" from the Home Menu.  What happens next depends on
your SqueezeIRData.txt configuration file!

- ReadMe.txt
- SqueezeIRData.txt
- http://forums.slimdevices.com (of course!)
- http://lirc.sourceforge.net/remotes/
- http://www.hifi-remote.com/johnsfine/DecodeIr.html
- http://www.remotecentral.com/

I'm hoping that the community will get on-board and publish successful
device IR codes on the forums.  I'm also hoping the developers amongst
you will increase the number of supported protocols by adding protocol
conversion functions for your devices into the applet.  It should be
fairly obvious from the source code how the protocols can be implemented
(hint: see lines 565 onwards!)

Please don't ask me to write functions to support your devices as I
can't test them, nor can I magically discover what protocol or codes
your devices use!

Have fun!

|Filename: SqueezeIR.zip                                            |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=7984|

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