Thanks for your interest!

It's unfortunate that there's no real standard for descibing ir
protocols and it takes a bit of lateral thinking to work out exactly
what's going on but I'll try to explain a bit...

The RAW_HEX protocol that the applet uses takes a great big long string
of parameters that looks a bit like this:
"0x0000ABCD 0x800001234 0x00001234 0x800001234"...

It is essentially raw binary data that says the led modulation
frequency is 0xABCD Hz, turn the led on for 0x1234us, then off for
0x1234us, then on again and so on.  This is the format that all the
protocols ultimately end up like as it is the format supported by the
hardware diver in the SBC (look for testir in the developer forums for
more info).

What is published in LIRC is the command codes and protocol
specification (the bit at the top that details how the 1's and 0's are
encoded).  You need to combine both bits together to get the raw hex, or
write a protocol conversion function to do it for you.

That said, from the LIRC header info, the protocol looks very similar
to what I have called Denon (compare the header info with, so you could try

ROOT ; ACTION ; NAD ; ; ; DENON:135:124:37 ; -DENON:135:124:200

I took the liberty of adding a "-" before the repeat code as you
probably only want to turn the amp off once ;-)

I'll explain how I got those seemingly random numbers...
The predata from LIRC (0xE1E3) is the bit-reversed first and second
parameters (LIRC seems to assume all codes are sent MSB first which is
not the case).  The command is the bit-reversed last parameter and then
the same again but inverted as a checksum:

Device = 0xE1 > binary 11100001 > bit reversed binary 10000111 >
decimal 135
SubDevice = 0x3E > 00111110 > 01111100 > 124

Command  = 0xA4 > 10100100 > 00100101 > 37
checksum = 0x5B > 01011011 (inverse of command, calculated by

Command  = 0x13 > 00010011 > 11001000 > 200
checksum = 0xEC > 11101100 (inverse of command, calculated by

If the denon protocol works for you then that should be all the info
you need to convert the LIRC codes into something SqueezeIR can use, and
we can add NAD to the list of supported devices!

I may write a gizmo at some point to convert LIRC formatted codes to
RAW_HEX as LIRC seems to be the place to go for codes!

hope that helps.

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