Pokersut;450091 Wrote: 
> It works!
> Thank you for your brilliantly detailed explanation - I actually think
> I got some of it :-D
> I can now successfully control my NAD receiver, except for the volume
> which doesn't react. I have added these commands to SqueezeIRData.txt:
> > 
  >   > #LOC    ; TYPE          ; TITLE         ; POPUP_PRESS   ; POPUP_HOLD    
; DATA_PRESS            ; DATA_HOLD
  > ROOT        ; ACTION        ; ON/OFF        ; ON            ; OFF           
; DENON:135:124:37      ; -DENON:135:124:200
  > ROOT        ; ACTION        ; AUX           ; AUX           ;               
; DENON:135:124:155     ; 
  > ROOT        ; ACTION        ; CD            ; CD            ;               
; DENON:135:124:137     ; 
  > ROOT        ; ACTION        ; Vol+          ; Vol+          ; Vol+          
; DENON:135:124:17      ; DENON:135:124:17
  > ROOT        ; ACTION        ; Vol-          ; Vol-          ; Vol-          
; DENON:135:124:35      ; DENON:135:124:35
> > 
> ON/OFF, AUX and CD commands work, but not Vol+ and Vol-. Have I done
> something wrong ...? The corresponding LIRC codes are 0x11EE and
> 0x31CE.
> Two additional questions:
> 1) Can I somehow strengthen the level of the IR signal? At the
> moment, the SBC works exactly like the native NAD remote in the sense
> that you have to point it straight towards the receiver for it to
> work. It would be cool if you could adjust the signal strength, but I
> suspect that the limitation may be in the IR receiving unit in the
> receiver ...
> 2) Is it possible to issue multiple commands with one buttton press,
> e.g. make a "Turn on and switch to AUX"-command?
> Thanks for all your work - can't wait to see RC2.

It's great that it's not just me that it works for!
OK, the easy bits first.
1) I've noticed that too but I think it's to do with the width of the
beam rather than the power. I doubt anything can be done about it though
and there's no documentation about increasing the emitter power or
beam-width. It's probably a limitation of the hardware but maybe a
future version of the SBC firmware may allow me to do something...

2) YES! Just put all the commands in seperated by a comma. There's
examples of this in the sample SqueezeIRData.txt file. eg To turn the
player on and select aux you'd put the following into the DATA_PRESS


If the aux command is being sent too soon (eg before the amp has
powered up properly) then you can introduce a delay between the commands
by adding more commas. Each comma represents 200 ms, so for a 1 second
delay it would be:


Regarding problems with the volume, it looks like your maths is wrong. 
I forgot to mention that in the DENON protocol each field is 8-bit so
you must pad the binary with leading zeroes:

    Vol+ = 0x11EE (ignore the EE, it's a checksum)
  0x11 > 00010001 > 10001000 > 136
  Vol- = 0x31CE (ignore the CE, it's a checksum)
  0x31 = 00110001 > 10001100 > 140

You may want to try prefixing the volume commands in the DATA_HOLD
field with '+' as it might provide a smoother response when holding the
key down. Try it and see. The '+' prefix instructs SqueezeIR to mimic a
true hold of a button, without the prefix it mimics pressing the button
repeatedly every 200ms.  Also, don't forget that you can use the
physical volume keys on the SBC to control the volume by changing the
TYPE field to 'KEY' and the TITLE field to KEY_VOLUME_UP or
KEY_VOLUME_DOWN.  You can also have KEY_VOLUME_MUTE which corresponds to
pressing both volume keys on the SBC simultaneously.

I also forgot to mention (but you must have worked it out) that if you
change the SqueezeIR.txt file then you must restart your SBC for the
changes to take effect.

Version RC2 is not going to be that different from RC1 from a usage
point of view but it will allow people without a maths PhD to enter
(some, probably most) commands from LIRC!

My "holy grail" is to get the Back key working so you can open a
sub-menu and fire a command to turn something on and then when you go
back it can turn it off again.   Would be good for setup modes, TV guide
etc.  That may be sometime off though as the back key seems to work very
differently to the others and I haven't made any progress figuring it

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