Hi Erland,
Great plugins. Thanks! It seems like a summer project to manage them
completely. For now, however, I suffer under two problems.

First, I really like Custom Browse, but at the moment I cannot use New
Album/Artist. I get the following error:

  Running: select contributors.id,contributors.name from contributors join 
contributor_track on contributor_track.contributor=contributors.id and 
contributor_track.role in (1,5) join tracks on 
tracks.id=contributor_track.track join albums on albums.id=tracks.album and 
(albums.compilation is null or albums.compilation=0) left join track_statistics 
on tracks.url=track_statistics.url where tracks.audio=1 group by 
contributors.id order by max(track_statistics.added) desc got error:
  Table 'slimserver.track_statistics' doesn't exist

I cannot get Custom Scan working either. In Plugins I get the following
error when I select settings:

  404 Not Found: 

I found some other thread where a similar problem was described. It
stated that one should delete some file but it did not work. . . 

Here are my players states:

  Version: 7.5.0 - r30464 @ Thu Apr 1 06:28:42 MDT 2010
  Hostname: ss4200
  Server IP Address:
  Server HTTP Port Number: 9000
  Operating system: Linux - EN - utf8
  Platform Architecture: i686-linux
  Perl Version: 5.10.1 - i686-linux-thread-multi
  MySQL Version: 5.0.21-standard
  Total Players Recognized: 4

Thanks in advance,

Pank's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=35879
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=49483

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