castalla;641837 Wrote: 
> Is there a simple Dummies Guide for installing this on a Windows
> server?
> I've visited the program's development page and I'm totally confused
> about what to install, in what order, etc.
> Just a noob!On Windows, SrvrPowerCtrl needs the SCPowerTool utilities.  The 
> setup
file for that is here:  Once
that's installed, SrvrPowerCtrl uses SCPowerTool.exe to both put the
system to sleep and wake it up for player alarms.

For the rest of it, just install the plugin according to the
instructions on the first page of this thread.  Then, go to the plugin
settings page for SrvrPowerCtrl and click on the help link at the top
of the page for more info.

If by "windows server" you mean WHS (windows home server), I should say
that I've done next to no testing of SrvrPowerCtrl with WHS...and what
little I did was several years ago with an old version of WHS.  I'm not
sure of what hoops you'll need to jump through to install the
SCPowerTool utilities on WHS.

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