If you would like to try this out please follow these steps (first three
probably already done):

1. In the settings web page go to the Plugins tab. (I usually start the
web page with the Advanced Settings button in the LMS system preferences

2. Under additional repositories at the bottom add
This is the link to Gordon's plugins. I am sure he would want me to
remind you that this is still Beta code.

3. Apply the changes and then select ReallyPreventStandby from the list
of Gordon's plugins. Apply again.

4. In the Plugins tab again, go to the Settings for
ReallyPreventStandby. To reproduce my configuration choose:

Allow standby after how many idle minutes? 3
Prohibit standby if players are on? Checked
Inhibit standby command: caffeinate -i
Re-enable standby command: pkill caffeinate
Inhibit is a toggle command: Checked

Then Apply the changes

5. Stop the LMS server from the preferences pane.

6. Go to /Users/USER/Library/Caches/Squeezebox/InstalledPlugins/Plugins
where USER is replaced with your login name.
To do this in the Finder you will need to hold down Alt while selecting
the Go menu.

7. Edit Plugin.pm - TextEdit should do. Note Gordon's Copyright Notice.
Find the definition of the subroutine _hasResumed. Comment out the
entire line _killInhibitCmd(); by putting a # in front (alt 3 on my
I suggest you also add a comment line explaining why.

8. Exit TextEdit, saving explicitly first if you want to. Under Mountain
Lion, TextEdit will already have saved the version at Open so you can
restore that.

9. Make sure all your SBs are off (not with power disconnected but with
the off button pressed, Radio, or selected Touch, which are the only
models I have (Four Touches). Restart LMS from the preferences pane.

10. Optional, but I suggest you do this during testing: Under the
Advanced Tab in the LMS Settings Web page, select the Advanced tab,
Logging, and set ReallyPreventStandby to Debug. Apply.

11. Let your Mac go to sleep by reaching its configured idle period
(Mine is set to 10 minutes). Hands off keyboard and mouse. We want to
see what happens when you turn on an SB.

12. Start some music playing on your SB from My Music.

13. See if the Mac stays out of standby - for at least a couple of
minutes or more. It should stay out of standby as long as at least one
SB is on.

14. Pause or stop playing and turn off all SBs as before. See if the Mac
stays active for the grace period (3 minutes in the settings above).

15. Once the Mac has gone back to sleep, go back and repeat fro step 12
a few times. We want to know how reliable you find ReallyPreventStandby
with these settings and my change.
Keep Hands off keyboard and mouse. 

16. After several cycles, go back to your mac screen/keyboard and take a
look at the LMS Server log in Console - if you set debugging above.

Please let us know how you get on

Many thanks


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