jdwek wrote: 
> I had an interesting occurence today.  I woke up and found my duet
> remote in the kitchen.  I was able to play music using the duet.  The
> response time was long but it worked.  I tried doing the same with my
> remote on my iphone and ipad and it did not work.  I alos used teh
> squeezepad remote app on my ipad and at first it did not work and then
> it did but very slowly and in a limited way.  The computer monitor was
> still off.  
> Once I started using the computer all my remotes worked well.  So in my
> limited computer brain it appears that WOL seems to have worked somewhat
> using the duet remote but was unable to wake my imac up fully from
> sleep. 
> One more thought:  Mountain lion utilizes Power nap to allow background
> functions on laptops to work.  Does anyone know if that allows a laptop
> to stream continuously?

Does the Duet have a wired connection to your network? WOL works
reliably over the wired network provided your Mac is configured to allow
Wake for Network Access in Energy Saver Preferences.

The iPhone and iPad definitely fo not have wired access. To wake-up the
Mac over the wireless network there needs to be a service Apple call
Wake on Demand available. It is supported by Apple's own Airport base
stations but needs a reconfiguration of your Mac that as far as I know
can only be done from the command line. Once done, it would also mean
that your MAc would probably be woken up more often by the base station.
In view of the below, let me know if you do want any more details!

I doubt very much if the Mac can stream without being fully awake but
the screen does not need to be on.

jdwek wrote: 
> Nonnoroger, thanks for your very polite reply to my last thread.  To a
> large extent alot of what you wrote goes over my head but I appreciate
> the explanation and your patience.  Unfortunately my brain is like the
> iceberg for the penguins.  All available ice crystals are taken up by
> standing penguins.  Any new info will cause another penguin to be
> launched off the iceberg ;)
> Thanks
> Jerry

We all get that feeling eventually but I have never heard it described
so imaginatively. I have moved some of the discussion of sleep issues
onto the Developer Forum. I fully inderstand why you would not want to
make the changes to the ReallyPreventStandby plugin yourself. It is much
more reliable though on Mountain Lion if done that way, I very much hope
that the developers will have an update soon that allows room for more

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