oyvindo wrote: 
> I'll check out today :-)
> (I was trying to say that if I could export your "All albums in one
> scrolling page" view, I would probably be happy with that as a #1 step
> towards a future PDF export.)
> P.S. Should I clear and reload the whole database after installing a new
> version of Muso?
> EDIT: I have now tried, but your logic behind the two options
> "Only Full Albums" and "Only Titeled Artists (Not Contributors)"
> continue to puzzle me.
> No combination produces the result I'm looking for.
> One question; Your interpretation of "Artist", is that equivalent to
> "Album Artist" or "Song Artist" ? I have a large collection of
> compilation albums which are difficult to find as full albums. They are
> all tagged with "Various Artists" in the "Album Artist" tag and with the
> name of the actual performer in the "Artist" tag for each song. I have
> to recall the name of an album to produce a listing of all compilation
> albums. Is this intentional?

Not necessary to clear and reload the database after upgrade no - in
fact it should never be necessary.

"Only Full Albums" only exports the albums that fulfil the criteria for
a full album. Turning this off includes albums which don't qualify, and
also other pseudo-track collections (if you have a set of tracks by The
Beatles for example, which have no album attribute, it groups these
under a pseudo track-collection by The Beatles titled "Non-Album

"Only Titled Artists" means than an artist entry is only created for
artists who have albums for which they are the artist in all tracks. So
if an artist only appears in compilations that artist won't appear as an
index entry in the catalog (instead the compilation appears under
"Various Artists").

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