I'm running 7.8.  In an attempt to clear up my server log so as to try
and analyse some problems I came across this, every time LMS is started.
It's been happening for many moons but I've previously ignored it.

  Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1304) Warning: [07:49:13.0371] Use of qw(...) as 
parentheses is deprecated at 
 line 167.
  Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1304) Warning: [07:49:13.0683] Use of qw(...) as 
parentheses is deprecated at 
 line 970.


(501) Failed to parse configuration (workscount) because:
  mismatched tag at line 10, column 3, byte 454 at 
/usr/share/squeezeboxserver/CPAN/XML/Parser.pm line 187

Any thoughts?  Are they safe to ignore?

LMS 7.8 on VortexBox Midi, FLACs 16 or 24 bit. Touch on Ethernet (in
another room), digital out to a Musical Fidelity M1 CLiC. Old wireless
laptop running Linux Mint Debian controls server using Chromium. 
Squeezelite on Ubuntu & Windows desktops plus the laptop.  Meridian
Explorer USB DAC to listen directly to Vortexbox & other PCs as
required.  Spare Touch in loft!
PasTim's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=41642
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=49483

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