I have had an intermittent problem for some months now and have failed
to track down the cause.  I'm posting here on the off-chance that the
cause might be related to plugins.

What happens is that once in a while when I play a series of tracks,
each track pauses briefly around 10 seconds before the end.  A reboot of
my server fixes the problem, until the next time, which could be in days
or weeks.

The LMS server log says nothing.  The linux log likewise.  The LMS
scanner log has nothing either (just in case a scan had been triggered
in some way).

Having failed to find a cause I wondered whether there is anything in
any of the additional plugins, such as trackstat, custom browse or
custom scan that could be triggered just before the end of each track?

Some of my custom browse menus (such as Works by Composer, much as your
wiki on the classical topic proposes) can, on first selecting them,
cause a heck of a lot of processing and disrupt any track currently
playing, but once the data has been loaded into memory they don't cause
any further bother, so I don't find this to be a problem.   The
intermittent and unexpected drop-out just before the end of each track
is, however, quite maddening.

I know I could turn on some more logging, but I have no idea what -
there are so many logs to choose from, and since the problem is
unpredictable I don't really want to fill up my system with useless

Apart from looking at plugins I have looked at loads of other things,
including the format I'm sending the data in (FLAC or PCM), my wired
network, the Touch firmware, and so on. Changes to these have made no
difference whatsoever.  So I'm pretty sure the problem is in the server
since a reboot immediately fixes the problem without touching anything

With apologies for even suggesting there could be an issue with the
plugins, but I'm at a loss to know where else to look.

LMS 7.8 on VortexBox Midi, FLACs 16 or 24 bit. Touch on Ethernet (in
another room), digital out to a Musical Fidelity M1 CLiC. Old wireless
laptop running Linux Mint Debian controls server using Chromium. 
Squeezelite on Ubuntu & Windows desktops plus the laptop.  Meridian
Explorer USB DAC to listen directly to Vortexbox & other PCs as
required.  Spare Touch in loft!
PasTim's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=41642
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=49483

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