dafiend wrote: 
> No, but see my next post. I don't see why the big players in the
> business have the incentive to degrade the lossy audio they serve on
> purpose. Therefore, I'm focusing on debunking the myth that 320 kbps MP3
> is audibly inferior to the lossless source. (I also feel the hypothesis
> "they deliberately degrade the lossy tracks they serve" is meant to be a
> red herring.)
> This is a conspiracy theory.
> Why would companies such as Spotify deliberately degrade their sources?
> The bulk of the streaming business are consumers which are perfectly
> content with lossy. Why would you risk alienating your main customer
> base? After all, the manipulation would come out sooner or later (it's
> not rocket science to record and compare streams).
> I think you should provide evidence supporting your conspiracy theory.

That would be very hard , but historically not all contents was/is
320kBp it actually said so on spotify's own FAQ/forum but they removed
that statement .
Old files aggregated years ago can also come from inferior sources ,
they don't vet the stuff labels just upload whatever they want including
up converted stuff . Who knows what system a record label has in place
for providing streamers with stuff .
In fact all streaming services are lazy there is no quality control
that's up to the record labels .

For a HIFI service and what wimp charges I would expect human curation
and quality control and disclosure of the pedigree ( master ) of the
source material , buts that not how it's done ,it's some automated
service for the labels to upload to .

But that can also be your own doing too spotify caches files locally ,
if you have playlist avaible offline for example ,but not only that but
most spotify implementations including Triodes plugin allow for caching
of recent content . So if you had flipped the quality setting up and
down , you can still be with some inferior tracks .
This behaviour is on purpose as people may switch quality quite often on
mobile devices, if that cleared the cache it would trigger re syncing of
playlists and maybe disrupt functionality or just create server load for
spotify .
I think it would be more proper to actually flush out the cache when
people do this and just cope with the consequences of it .

In the case of wimp hifi problems are eisier to spot , in the cases
where their catalog is not fully replaced with flac files you simply get
an mp3 or AAC file instead .

The current status on spotify I don't know ,stream recording is not that
easy on my headless Linux LMS server possibly I could install
squeezelite on it and somehow redirect the output ( the server has no
audio hardware ) , I've migth need to install a desktop client .

No,I don't have tangible evidence which I'm sorry for . Maybe I should
prepare something beforehand so it could document a " case " when I hear
a problem track .

Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH 2 x
MeridianDSP5200 MeridianDSP5200HC 2 xMeridianDSP3100 +Rel Stadium 3
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: Touch + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)
iPad1 with iPengHD & SqueezePad
(in storage SB3, reciever ,controller )
server HP proliant micro server N36L with ClearOS Linux

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