bpa wrote: 
> I am not sure of Squeezplay playback but I think it cannot play WMA
> natively and possibly AAC.  In which case a local LMS is needed to play
> these formats.
> You do not say what OS your Squeezplay is runnig on and whether when
> playing the ASX URL you are using LMS or not. 
> I think BBC Radio London is only available in two formats - Flash/AAC
> and WMA.
> Flash / AAC is handled by iPlayer plugin in LMS and that is the iplayer
> URL you showed.  The iPlayer plugin will choose the playing format from
> between whatever different formats are available and as per your LMS
> iPlayer settings.
> To play the WMA stream (i.e. the asx URL)  
> The Tunein URL request a BBC London http URL using either (amongst
> others)  AAC, MP3 and WMA - but only WMa is available so YTunein and ASX
> are the same.
> In 2015 BBC will turn off WMA URLs - it is not clear what formats will
> be available for local radio.
> If your laptop running Squeezeplay is running an LMS and it is a Linux
> based system - I suggest install mplayer and PlayWMA plugin and that
> will enable playback of WMA streams.  If the OS is WIndows then playback
> of ASX stream should work as long as LMS is being used.

Thanks for taking time to reply. Sorry if I've not been clear or
provided enough information previously.

I run a local LMS on a Netgear ReadyNas x86 + Linux; the Squeezeplay
client runs on Windows 7. I'm pretty sure it does get AAC as I had
problems with BBC Radio London a few years ago and concluded that was
the problem. I'll keep watching and waiting. Thanks for the description.

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