As promised above, I've enclosed logs and IDX files at the dropbox link

Having used PasTim's custom-convert.conf to sort out the issue of
non-playing streamed flacs, everything seemed to be working well by
setting LMS to transcode stored flacs to PCM. Tracks paused and
re-started correctly, seek worked correctly but what became apparent was
that the Left and Right channels had switched. When the settings in LMS
where re-set (i.e flacs streamed as flacs) the channels were correct but
pause and seek still don't work. I tested the PCM configuration with
iPeng and also a SBT and the channels were correct (iPeng showing the
transcoding to be to PCM) so I think there is an issue with the codec in
squeeze2upnp though I don't have another upnp player to to check

The metadata works correctly though to be honest that's not a big deal
as the display is too small to read and it's all on OrangeSqueeze or
iPeng anyway.

I have the display set to "stream info" which is very useful to check
what on what is actually being streamed.

The logs all relate to version

Hope that helps.

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