get.amped wrote: 
> So far the latest BoomX2 version is working well. The only changes I'd
> like to make are to include a "%RH" string after the "humidity" display
> (currently just has a number) and a "%" after the chance of
> precipitation display (also just has a number). Obviously these are just
> cosmetic niceties, but it seems like it shouldn't be too hard to do if I
> can find the appropriate code section.
> It appears that most of this formatting takes place starting on line
> 2766 (sub replaceMacros {), but I'm not quite done reading through the
> code. I don't specifically code in Perl but I've done enough other
> coding to at least get a sense of what is going on. So, am I on the
> right track or do I need to look elsewhere?

For humidity it is line 3163 in the gotWeatherNow module.  For the
chance of precipitation look at lines 2917, 2918, 2931, 2932 in the
gotWeatherToday module and line 3263 in the got10day module.

I'm not sure about your setup, but if you didn't want to mess with the
code you should be able add the %RH and % to the display using the
player settings page.

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