philippe_44 wrote: 
> Good to see some progress, at last ! We can eliminate -2 (and -3) that
> use chunked-encoding. You player does not support it.

Not that I'm contradicting you, but -2 mostly worked, except for pause.
Are you sure this mode will not work for Onkyo?

philippe_44 wrote: 
> NB: the play by itself is a LMS artefact. You have to empty the playlist
> before you power off / stop sq2u or set the player paramater in LMS :
> "player", "settings", "audio", "power on resume" ==> set it to "stop at
> power off, remain stopped at power on"

I really dont understand this guys logic :(

philippe_44 wrote: 
> Re <device> <match>, tbh, I had a lot to do with the modification of
> libupnp. It is a big piece of software and I had to find my way into it
> and not break the rest as I want to submit the patch to the maintainers

Not sure I fully understand this; if I can write settings for individual
renderers into the file, then sq2u will read them and apply them. Right
now, as is, no libupnp modifications needed

So I say, "for rendere with this UUID, use this settings". And that
works. Right now.

But if I say "For renderer with this friendlyName, use this settings" -
that requires modification to libupnp? Is it not possible to get
renderer name, manufacturer and model, and see if they match defined
values for an UUDID, and if so, apply the same settings?

For now, I had created a little shell script, that scans for renderers,
gets there properties, and generates XML before I start sq2u. But this
is quite awkward, and it of course applies only to renderers that are on
before sq2u starts...

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