24.09.2009 01:06, Paolo Lucente пишет:
> Hi Slava,
> On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 11:50:10PM +0300, Slava Dubrovskiy wrote:
>> I have found other solution. With the help pre_tag_map.
>> From networks-ua-ix.list I have made pretag.map in sort:
>> id=1    ip= filter='net'
>> id=1    ip= filter='net'
>> id=1    ip= filter='net'
>> id=1    ip= filter='net'
>> id=1    ip= filter='net'
>> id=1    ip= filter='net'
>> id=1    ip= filter='net'
>> id=1    ip= filter='net'
>> ...
> Yes, that is indeed yet another viable solution :-)
> * pre_tag_map containing more than 50000 entries? Dumb question

Throughout our conversation about traffic accounting has noticed that
periodically the daemon nfacctd hangs up.
It happens when the quantity of packages strongly increases more then
50kpps (during DDoS).
In log I see:

Oct 25 18:59:48 stat nfacctd[3379]: WARN: expecting flow '4333297' but
received '4333303' collector=�^^B:8818 agent=
Oct 25 18:59:48 stat nfacctd[3379]: WARN: expecting flow '4333305' but
received '4333306' collector=�^^B:8818 agent=
Oct 25 18:59:48 stat nfacctd[3379]: WARN: expecting flow '4333307' but
received '4333320' collector=^H^_B:8818 agent=
Oct 25 18:59:48 stat nfacctd[3379]: WARN: expecting flow '4333321' but
received '4333332' collector=^T^_B:8818 agent=
Oct 25 18:59:48 stat nfacctd[3379]: WARN: expecting flow '4333333' but
received '4333346' collector="^_B:8818 agent=
Oct 25 18:59:48 stat nfacctd[3379]: WARN: expecting flow '4333347' but
received '4333356' collector=,^_B:8818 agent=
Oct 25 18:59:48 stat nfacctd[3379]: WARN: expecting flow '4333357' but
received '4333363' collector=3^_B:8818 agent=
Oct 25 18:59:48 stat nfacctd[3379]: WARN: expecting flow '4333364' but
received '4333378' collector=B^_B:8818 agent=
Oct 25 18:59:48 stat nfacctd[3379]: WARN: expecting flow '4333379' but
received '4333400' collector=X^_B:8818 agent=

After this nfacct stop listen port and not working.

What occurs, when the Core Process has not time to handle all traffic?
How it is possible to increase productivity Pre-Tagging?

Dubrovskiy Vyacheslav

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