22.09.2009 22:11, Paolo Lucente пишет:
> Hi Slava,
> On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 07:11:24PM +0300, Slava Dubrovskiy wrote:
>> I use networks_file that ip_src and ip_dst were grouped only in my
>> networks. But I also need to count the traffic on networks entering in
>> UA-IX (http://noc.ua-ix.net.ua/ua-list.txt)
>> For this purpose I can use aggregate_filter. But I cannot use it, since
>> the list ua-list.txt very big.
> I'm not sure if i get it correctly: you want to get a traffic matrix
> of local IP addresses and IP adresses reached through the UA-IX.
No, not correct.

Here such topology of a network.

Local real IP -----router------------------UA-IX networks
                                              ----------Other networks

I wish to count only traffic from/to local IP. I.e. that in base were
only my local IP.
For this purpose I specify my local IP in networks_file and I aggregate
by src_host, dst_host.

I don't wish to store not local IP since then the base will be very big.

Thus there are some networks (ua-list.txt) the traffic with which I need
to count separately.
So I make:

aggregate[hourly]: src_host, dst_host
aggregate[hourly_ua]: src_host, dst_host
aggregate_filter[hourly_ua]: net
plugins: mysql[hourly], mysql[hourly_ua]
sql_table[hourly]: acct_base
sql_table[hourly_ua]: acct_base_ua
networks_file: /etc/pmacct/networks.list

But how can I separate traffic from/to UA-IX?
I can use aggregate_filter for this.  And it work fine.

But networks list is very big :( And I can't add full list to

I do not know how to explain in more details, sorry... :(

> If that's the case, you can append the UA-IX networks to the local
> ones in the file pointed by the "networks_file" directive(s).
> Say that X1 .. Xn is the set of your (or your customers) IP address
> and Y1 .. Yn is the set of  IP address reached through UA-IX and 
> Z1 .. Zn is the set of IP addresses reached via upstream providers,
> you would see:
> Xm, Ym, .., bytes, packets : Outbound traffic to UA-IX
> Ym, Xm, .., bytes, packets : Inbound traffic from UA-IX
> Xm, 0, .., bytes, packets : Outbound traffic to upstream providers
> 0, Xm, .., bytes, packets : Inbound traffic to upstream providers
> Another scenario can be to maintain as-is local IP addresses, while
> aggregating at network boundary IP addresses reached via the UA-IX.
> Just let me know if this is the case.
> If instead calculating traffic from/to UA-IX is something totally
> separated from calculating traffic from/to local IP addresses (so,
> you are not trying to build a traffic matrix), then you can freely
> instantiate a plugin right for that task.
> Cheers,
> Paolo

Dubrovskiy Vyacheslav

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