Le 22/07/2013 14:28, Chris forum a écrit :
> Hey Thomas,
> Thx for your reply!
> 1)
> Here is what I've found in my php.ini
> ; After this number of seconds, stored data will be seen as 'garbage' and
> ; cleaned up by the garbage collection process.
> ; http://php.net/session.gc-maxlifetime
> session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440
> Will raise this value to see how it works, but I am confident you 
> pointed out the right setting.

You can try to use the "timingmap" plugin to refresh the map every X 
minutes ( < 1440 seconds ) to keep the sessions alive while the browser 
is open (call an home made PHP page through AJAX to do something like that).

> 2)
> I should have mentionned the problem occurs with polygon layers, i. e. 
> buildings.
> I don't think it has something to do with the TOLERANCE. At a scale of 
> 3100 even a very small polygon (3-4px long) responds to the query, 
> while at 4500 a big polygon (100px long) can not be selected.
> Oh, I realise now I am actually not using the Identfy tool, but 
> graphicalqueries_point tool instead. The problem happens also with the 
> graphicalqueries_polygon tool.

Are you able to try on a new layer copy from the one that is grouped?

> On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 11:38 AM, Thomas RAFFIN <traf...@sirap.fr 
> <mailto:traf...@sirap.fr>> wrote:
>     Le 22/07/2013 10:34, Chris forum a écrit :
>     > Hi all,
>     >
>     > I am very glad to annonce that pmapper 4.3.1 has officially
>     replaced  the
>     > old Cartoweb solution here in my local city administation! \o/
>     >
>     > It so much pleasant to work with pmapper, thanx a lot to Armin,
>     Thomas and
>     > all who built this tool and helped me got it working!
>     >
>     > However, here under some little things that could still be
>     improved, if you
>     > have any idea how to solve them...
>     Hi,
>     Nice to have good feedback ;-)
>     >
>     > pmapper 4.3 (Plainlayout4 / swap legend tab)
>     > mapserver 6.2
>     > php 5.3.3-7
>     > Debian server
>     >
>     > 1)
>     > When not used during some time (x minutes?) and then an action
>     is done,
>     > pmapper stops responding and get stuck at the "Loading" image in
>     front of
>     > the map.
>     > Is there a session duration or something?
>     Yes, it should be the PHP Session duration. As I remember, wioth
>     Debian,
>     you have to modify gc_maxlifetime in your PHP.ini because a cron task
>     will delete too old session files.
>     >
>     > 2)
>     > At a scale of 4500, even though all layers from a group are
>     visible on the
>     > main map (MAXSCALEDENOM 4990), the query (identify) tool doesn't
>     retrieve
>     > any information.
>     > I have to zoom closer, at a scale of 3100, to get some results
>     with the
>     > query tool.
>     If you are talking about point layers, maybe you have a "mouse
>     capture"
>     problem. Try to increase the MAP\LAYER\TOLERANCE (and choose a good
>     >
>     > 3)
>     > As Pedro said some days earlier, an '@' in an attribute value is
>     replaced
>     > by an 'Email' in the result of a query.
>     > It happens on my project with two shapefile layers.
>     >
>     > 4) The generated URL window stays open even when an action is
>     done (pan,
>     > zoom, new layer displayed, ...). An thus the proposed link is no
>     more
>     > representing the displayed map.
>     >
>     > 5)
>     > The mouse right click to pan the map is great.
>     > But if the Zoom out tool is selected (minus magnifier) when
>     doing so, the
>     > map is also zoomed out.
>     > Is that on purpose?
>     >
>     > 6)
>     > Plugin LocateXY only accepts a 'circle' symbol. When I try to
>     display a
>     > cross symbol, a square or any other symbols (defined in the
>     template.map),
>     > I get a triangle (?!) symbol on the map.
>     >
>     > 7)
>     > Plugin Drawing
>     > Text, no matter what color is chosen, is diplayed in grey on the map
>     >
>     > Cheers
>     > Chris
>     >
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>     --
>     Thomas RAFFIN
>     Chef de Projet Internet
>     traf...@sirap.fr <mailto:traf...@sirap.fr>
>     <mailto:traf...@sirap.fr <mailto:traf...@sirap.fr>>    Sirap
>     <http://sirap.fr>         Tel
>     : 04 75 72 84 10
>     Fax : 04 75 70 07 98
>     Rue Paul Louis Héroult - BP 253
>     26106 Romans cedex
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Chef de Projet Internet
traf...@sirap.fr <mailto:traf...@sirap.fr>      Sirap <http://sirap.fr>         
: 04 75 72 84 10
Fax : 04 75 70 07 98
Rue Paul Louis Héroult - BP 253
26106 Romans cedex

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