Maybe, maybe...
  But all any major intel agency around the world requires to access private 
account information at an Internet company (or any company or government 
agency) is *one* employee, even a relatively low-level technical worker.  Stop 
and think how many employees at Google would jump at the chance to help Mossad 
as a matter of patriotic duty.  I know of one incident from a decade ago in 
which the owner of a major American ISP, who fit the profile of a David 
Horowitz or Daniel Pipes, put the resources of his company at the service of 
the Israeli government.
  This particular story is quite disturbing, and should be followed very 
  There is some context here, also: Google reportedly attempted to censor on 
Google Video and Youtube material which proved that the BBC announced the 
collapse of WTC7 a half hour before the fact.  Google also (and weirdly) 
provides intrusive editorial commentary on searches which ruffle the feathers 
of a certain lobby.
  Google is rapidly evolving into one of the most powerful companies on the 
planet, perhaps the most powerful.  We need to know a great deal about the 
politics, agenda and ethics of the people who control the company.

Bond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
            Or alternatively one could apply Occam's Razor:
  Lehrman's own computer security was compromised, and his GMail password 
  ----- Original Message -----   From: Sean McBride 
  Sent: Friday, April 06, 2007 1:24 AM
  Subject: [political-research] Mossad Hacking/Infiltration/Control of Google?


  Is the implication here that Mossad has infiltrated and/or hacked Google?  
That is has access to the Gmail accounts of all users and can maliciously 
manipulate them?  And that it may have murdered Reuven 
  If this story is true (I don't for sure yet that it is), it should be 
circulated far and wide, because the implications of it are staggering and 
sinister.  Apparently Mossad, through a covert network of agents and 
sympathizers, may have access to and control of all the data in all the private 
accounts of all the major Internet companies -- including Google, Yahoo, 
Amazon, Hotmail, Comcast and many other companies.
  Google should issue an official and formal statement on this incident, if it 
is true, and explain precisely how this Gmail account was hacked.  Are any 
Gmail accounts safe?  Is Mossad reading the mail of all Gmail users and 
targeting specific Gmail users for malicious attack?  Where do Sergey Brin and 
Larry Page stand on this issue?
  This is potentially a huge issue, folks.  Pay close attention.

Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    April 4, 2007 -- E-mailed yesterday and received from Leland Lehrman today:
  After Reuven Schossen, the Israeli dissident, returned to Bolivia, we 
maintained an email relationship and I continued to edit his book. I secured 
permission from the publisher of the newspaper I edit to publish his 
manuscript. We began editing the latest version of his excellent book, 
Holygarchy, after Publish America decided to terminate their contract with him 
on spurious grounds. 

He had recently sent me a new chapter about a high level Mossad agent who was 
also coincidentally an "art student." 

He never gave me the real name of this gentleman, always calling him Arik, but 
he told me one very important detail about the man, namely that he was the son 
of the man who put the bombs in the Hotel King 

He told me about the "fighting families" (Lehi, Etzel, Irgun) of Israel and the 
way in which they still control the intelligence services and plum business 
positions given as gifts to core warriors. 

Recently, Reuven was growing more and more desperate back in Bolivia and 
mentioned to me that he was again under heavy surveillance and that someone had 
recently broken into his room in search of 

Then, all of a sudden, this morning, I go to edit the newest version of Straw 
Skyscrapers, a chapter from the book, when I find that absolutely every single 
email to and from Reuven has been deleted from 
my gmail account. Even his entry in my Contacts file was gone. 

It has been widely reported that google has CIA connections, and quite frankly, 
I feel deeply violated and very concerned, both for Reuven and myself, hence 
this public letter. 



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