   Google also (and weirdly) provides intrusive editorial commentary on
searches which ruffle the feathers of a certain lobby.

I don't quite understand what this means? Could you give an example?

Personally I simply ignore it when another mail suddenly
disappears,thinking I must have clicked the wrong online or desktop
button. My longer experience is that working under stress produces these
things almost automatically. And my biggest problem is that I usually
try to do several things at once. This means I do not always pay the
close atttentions  every single would deserve. Not that I would not like
to have a program that would let me check what exactly happened in
hindsight. ...

That said; I do not know the the people and how they function, so maybe
they deserve the benefit of doubt. BUT this is admittedly a story were I
wonder if certain basical "pre judgements" are necessary to lean to the
other side. ...

There is a certain air of spectaculum about the whole thing that makes
me wonder if it closer to reality or fiction. Although to complicate
things: sometimes fiction turns into reality and reality into fiction.

Tthus I write this with all due respect to your  hesitant: "Maybe,

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