Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: False flag terror:
Follow-up via CANNONFIRE by Joseph on Jun 02, 2007 A few posts down, I
discuss the ramifications of the BBC report (based on a hitherto-secret
UK government file) that the terrorist hijacking which led to the famed
Entebbe raid was engineered by Israel. Although this scenario may seem,
at first, highly unlikely, we should look at the precedents.

Former Israeli intelligence officer Ari Ben-Menashe wrote a book called
The Profits of War in which he revealed the following about the
notorious Achille Lauro hijacking:
An example is the case of the "Palestinian" attack on the cruise ship
Achille Lauro in 1985. That was in fact, an Israeli "black" propaganda
operation to show what a deadly, cutthroat bunch the Palestinians
were.Terrorist Abu Abbas, says Ben-Menashe, received funds from Israeli
agents posing as mafiosi.

We should note that Ben-Menashe has been often denounced as a fraud and
a liar. Most of these denunciations stem from the early 1990s, when he
offered support for the "October Surprise" story. At that time, his
attackers tended to be guys like Steve Emerson, whom I never trusted.

That said, I don't trust Ben-Menashe either. If you want to know why,
this remarkable article will give several excellent reasons. Like
Ghorbanifar, he's one of those guys who keeps popping in and out of
spook-land, even though the intelligence services of various nations
have labeled him an unreliable scammer.

On the other hand: Ben-Menashe was, I believe, the first to expose
Robert Maxwell as an Israeli intelligence asset, a claim later proven
true. (I recommend Gordon Thomas' book on the Maxwell affair.) So
perhaps the Achille Lauro tale deserves greater scrutiny...
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