These are just a few political commentators and analysts who are making 
stronger contributions to understanding contemporary American politics than 
Berlet.  Most of them have been accused of anti-Semitism at one time or 
another, simply because they refuse to bow down before AIPAC, Likud and the 
neocons.  I hardly agree with them on everything, and they hardly agree with 
one another on everything, but most of them are *keeping it real*:

Alex Jones
Ari Berman
Barrie Zwicker
Bill Berkowitz
Cenc Uygar
Chris Hedges
Christopher Ketcham
Daniel Hopsicker
David Brock
David Ray Griffin
Douglas Herman
Eric Alterman
Eric Margolis
Frank Rich
Greg Mitchell
James Bamford
James Fallows
James Petras
James Wolcott
Jeff Cohen
Jeff Huber
Jeffrey Blankfort
Jeffrey Steinberg
Jim Lobe
John Mearsheimer
Joseph Cannon
Joseph Galloway
Joshua Micah Marshall
Juan Cole
Justin Raimondo
Kathleen Christison
Kevin Phillips
Kurt Nimmo
Michael Lind
Michael Rivero
Michael Ruppert
Norman Finkelstein
Patrick Lang
Paul Craig Roberts
Paul Joseph Watson
Paul Krugman
Philip Weiss
Ray McGovern
Robert Dreyfuss
Robert Fisk
Robert Parry
Robert Scheer
Scott McConnell
Scott Ritter
Seymour Hersh
Sibel Edmonds
Sidney Blumenthal
Stephen Walt
Steven Clemons
Steven Sniegoski
Thom Hartmann
Tom Barry
Wayne Madsen
Webster Tarpley
William Odom

Michael Pugliese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                                  On 
6/6/07, Sean McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Defending the
 establishment status quo ..
 Oh really? Chip Berlet sure would be surprised to hear he is a
 establishment status quo'ist.
   Eyes Right! (paper)
 Challenging the Right Wing Backlash
 Chip Berlet (Editor)
 Released 1995-01-01
 Berlet shows how to counter right-wing corporate, religious, and
 political agendas, and defend democracy and diversity. yup, sure looks like a neo-con org. to me. Snort.
 Program Priorities
 Civil Liberties
 Economic Justice
 LGBT Equity
 Racial Justice
 Reproductive Justice
 The Christian Right
     * Introduction: the U.S. Political Right
           o Why is the Right so powerful?
           o Why We Need to Understand the Political Right
     * How is the Right Organized?
           o Christian Right and Theocracy
           o Coalition and Competition: an Overview
           o Conservatives
           o Xenophobic Right
                 + Patriot Movement & Militias
                 + Ultra Right
     * The Right's Agenda & Attacks
           o Criminal Justice
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           o Peace, Foreign Policy, & Defense
           o Immigrant Rights
           o Labor, Workers, and Unions
           o Public Education
           o Reproductive Rights
           o Sovereignty & Indigenous Treaty Rights
     * Understanding Bigotry & Oppression
           o Dynamics of Oppression
                 + Apocalyptic Dualism
                 + Stereotyping, Prejudice, & Bigotry
                 + Conspiracism
                 + Demonization
                 + Scapegoating
                 + Supremacy & Domination
           o Ethnocentrism & Religious Bigotry
                 + Antisemitism & Judeophobia
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                 + Islamophobia
           o Hate & Ethnoviolence
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           o Racism & Xenophobia
           o Sexism & Reproductive Rights
     * The State and Political Repression
           o Free Expression & Censorship
           o Civil Liberties
           o Government Misconduct
           o Surveillance & Spying
     * Tools for Resisting the Right
           o Building Equality
           o Defending Democracy & Diversity
           o Links
           o Media & Propaganda
     * Resources for Studying the Right
           o Policy-Making & Funding
           o Research, Investigation, & Logic
           o Social Movement Theory
                 + Ideology, Frames and Narratives
                 + Right-Wing Populism & Producerism
           o Studying the US Political Right
                 + Bibliographies
                 + Chart of Sectors
                 + Directories
     * Totalitarian Groups
           o Lyndon LaRouche Network
           o Newmanites & Lenora Fulani
 Michael Pugliese

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